
Filap : Product Details

Filap is designed for male factor infertility. Infertility (as per WHO) is the failure of a couple to become pregnant after one year of regular unprotected inter course. About one third of infertility problem are due to female, another one third due to male & last third due to both partner or cause is unclear.

Cause of Male Infertility

More than 90% of male infertility cases are due to low sperm counts, poor sperm quality, sperm motility or all the three. The remaining cases are due to number of factors like anatomical problems, hormonal imbalance and genetic defects.

Low sperm count or Oligospermia – A sperm count of lower than 20 million / ml of semen is considered low sperm. Partial obstruction anywhere in the long passages through which sperm pass can reduce sperm counts. Sperm count varies widely over time, and temporary low counts are common, therefore, a single test that reports a low count is not final.

Zero sperm or Azoospermia – it refer to complete absence of sperm in ejaculate. It accounts to 10-15% cases of male infertility.

Poor sperm motility or Asthenospermia – if sperm movement is low & not in a straight line then motility is improper. The sperm will have difficulty in invading thick mucus layer of cervix & penetrating the hard outer shell of ovum. If 60% or more sperm has normal motility then sperm is of average quality.

Sluggish (or intermittent) movement may have genetic defect & it is incapable of fertilization – Poor sperm motility may be due to DNA fragmentation and may increase risk of passing on genetic disease.

Abnormal Sperm Morphology or Teratospermia- it refer shape & structure. Abnormally shaped sperm cannot fertilize an egg. About 60% of sperm should be of normal shape & size.


Co-enzyme Q10 is found naturally in the body and helps convert food into energy. It is found in almost every cell of human body and it is a powerful antioxidant. Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is also known as ubiquinone. It is oil-soluble vitamin like substance present primarily in the mitochondria of cell. It generates energy in the form of Amino Triphosphate (ATP). 95% of human energy is generated in this way. Those organs who have highest energy requirement like heart kidney, liver & brain, has the highest CoQ10 concentration. But unfortunately the spermatozoa which require energy for its motility, is in some cases has low level of CoQ10.

Role in infertility – A pilot study p

ublished in jan 2004* issue of Fertility & Sterility suggest that CoQ10 plays a pivotal role in correction of male infertility. 200mg/day of CoQ10 for six month has exerted positive effect due to its involvement in mitochondria and its widely recognizes anti-oxidant property. Hence CoQ10.

Supplies energy to sperm for motility.

Exerts profound anti-oxidant effect.


Astaxanthin is a carotenoid and it has powerful anti-oxidant effect. In free- radical scavenging capacity astoxanthin is

64 times more powerful than Vit C.

54 times more powerful than beta – carotene.

Role in infertility – A double blind randomized trial for 3 month or more with 16mg/day astaxanthin has revealed an improvement in sperm linear velocity, decrease in ROS ( Reactive Oxygen Species ) and improvement in zona free hamsteroocyte test. Total pregnancies & pregnancies per cycle by 54.3% & 23.17% respectively. Hence astaxanthin –

Improves sperm motility.

Reduces ROS profoundly.

Improves fertilization by ensuring sperm oocyte fusion.


Lycopene is a bright red carotenoid pigment found in tomato & other red fruits & vegetables such as red carrot, red bel papers.

For health point of view Lycopene works as an anti-oxidant. Its powerful anti-oxidant actions are effective in maintaining the strength, thickness & fluidity of cell membrane.

Lycopene is found in high concentration in the testes and seminal plasma and its decreased levels have been demonstrated in men suffering from infertility.

Role in Infertility – Lycopene is found in high concentration in testes & seminal fluid of healthy subjects where as lower levels are detected in infertile males. A report published in 2002 suggest that a twice a day dose of 2000mcg of lycopene given for 3 months resulted in a statistically significant improvement in sperm concentration or count in 66% patient & mortality in 53% patients.

Hence lycopene ensures-

– Statistically significant improvement in sperm count.

– Improvement in sperm motility.


L-carnitine is a natural substance that can be found in human tissues. The body also synthesize this nutrient, but the major part comes from dietary intake, mainly from meat.

Foods of plant origin contain very little L-Carnitine.

L- Carnitine is biologically important for mitochondrial beta oxidation of long fatty acids and thus for energy production in the form of ATP. The highest concentration of free L-Carnitine in the human body is in the three compartment of male genital tract-

– Epidydmal tissue.

– Seminal plasma.

– Spermetozoa.

Role in Infertility – Report suggests the L-Carnitine play important role in sperm energy metabolism and provide the primary level sperm motility. Carnitine enhances energy release from mitochondria by ensuring entry & utilization of free fatty acid within the mitochondria.

Vitamin E –

Vit E an important lipid soluble anti-oxidant molecule in the cell membrane. Vit E exerts its antioxidant activity by inhibiting peroxidation of lipids. It also enhances the free – radical scavenging capacity of many other anti-oxidants.

Role in Infertility – The results of an vivo experiments suggests that Vit E protects spermatozoa from oxidative damage, loss of motility and enhances the sperm performance in penetration into ovum.

Hence Vit.E-

– Enhances sperm motility.

– Enhances sperm penetration.

L-Arginine –

Arginine is an essential amino acid required for cell replication & multiplication.

Role in Infertility – A report confirms that ability of sperm to fertilize the egg is primarily dependent upon sperm motility & membrane integrity. Nitric oxide (No) plays a decisive role in regulating multiple function in male reproductive system. Nitric oxide is synthesizes from LArginine by the enzyme Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) present in spermatozoa. Hence L-Arginine exerts its effect on sperm through increased biosynthesis of NO which improves sperm motility & membrane integrity. Hence L-Arginine-

– Improves sperm motility.

– Correct sperm membrane integrity.

– Increases sperm count.

Each caps contains.

Co-Enzyme Q 10 100 mg.

Astaxanthin 8 mg.

L-Carnitine 225 mg.

Lycopene 300 mcg.

L-Arginine 30 mg.

Vitamin E 50 IU.

Seleniume 50 mcg.

Folic Acid 200 mcg.


– Oligospermia.

– Asthenospermia.

– Teratospermia.

– Idiopathic male infertility due to sperm abnormality.

– Male infertility due to oxidative stress.

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